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Keynote Speaker: Lark Doley, DTM

Toastmasters International President


Lark Doley.jpg

Keynote Speech Title 專題演講 : 

WOW Leadership! 驚艷領導力!


Date: April 27, 2019

Time: 13:30

Location: 41F


國語口譯: Michelle Fan 范明瑛 & Howard Chien 簡德浩


Keynote Speaker Background:

Lark Doley, DTM , of Jonestown, Texas, is a senior training coordinator for MAXIMUS, where she has worked since 2007. She manages the professional development strategy for the MAXIMUS Texas Project, which includes webinars, computer-based training and instructor-led workshops. As chief executive of Second Wave, Inc., a company she founded in 1987, Doley led a team that manufactured hardware peripheral devices for Apple Macintosh products.
A lighthouse homeowner, Doley served as secretary of the Lighthouse Estates Homeowners Association. She also served as president of the Metropolitan Breakfast Club, an Austin business group that meets weekly and features business and government speakers presenting topical issues of importance to the city and state.
Doley graduated with honors from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas, with a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and German. She continued her education studying business management at St. Edward’s University in Austin, and mathematics at the University of Houston–Clear Lake, in Houston, Texas.
A Toastmaster for 25 years, Doley is a member of two clubs, including her home club in Pflugerville, Texas, the Arthur Storer club that was chartered in honor of her father-in-law after his death in 1997. Doley has held a number of high-profile leadership positions within Toastmasters and has attained the Distinguished Toastmaster designation—the highest level of achievement in the organization.
Doley says, “I have used my improved communication and leadership skills to found and lead a successful company. I now have the privilege to work for a company where I use my skills daily to teach others.”
As an officer of the Toastmasters International Board of Directors, Doley is a “working ambassador” for the organization. She works with the Board to develop, support and modify the policies and procedures that guide Toastmasters International in fulfilling its mission.


傑出會員Lark Doley女士來自於德州的Jonestown。自她從2007年起擔任在MAXIMUS公司就職並且是的一位資深的培訓統籌者,。她負責管理MAXIMUS德州專案的專業發展計畫,。這個計畫包含了網路研討會,運用電腦操作的培訓,以及指導員帶領的工作坊。她在1987年創立了Second Wave公司 Inc.並且任職擔任該公司的執行長,帶領了團隊製作了蘋果產品硬體方面的週邊硬體設備。身為一位燈塔的屋主,她擔任燈塔地產屋主協會(了Lighthouse Estates Homeowners Association)的秘書,也同時擔任大都會早餐俱樂部(了Metropolitan Breakfast Club)的會長。Metropolitan Breakfast Club大都會早餐俱樂部是一個位於美國德州奧斯汀,此的商業團體並且會在每一週齊聚一堂,聚集在一起並且邀請商界和政治界的講者前來發表對於城市和州方面的重要議題。Lark Doley女士優異榮譽畢業於德州聖安東尼奧San Antonio市的三一大學(Trinity University)並且取得數學和德語的學士學位。她之後於聖愛德華大學奧斯汀分校(在St Edward’s University in Austin)進修企管學以及University of Houston – Clear Lake進修數學。


Lark Doley女士已參加國際演講協會25年並且是兩個分會的會員,包括位於德州Pflugerville的Arthur Storer分會-她的母會。該分會是為了紀念她的公公岳父而在1997年創立的。Lark Doley女士在國際演講協會中擔任過無數個高層級的職務並且達成了傑出會員的頭銜 – 組織內最高的成就。Lark Doley女士表示:「我運用了我優良進步的溝通能力和領導技能來創辦和帶領一間個成功的公司。我現在有這樣的榮幸可以來服務,一家一個我每天都在運用我的技能來教導他人的公司。」身為國際演講協會董事會的幹部,Lark Doley女士是組職的「服務大使」。她和董事會一起建立,支持並援和更改指導國際演講協會達成其它的使命、的法規和程序。



Keynote Speech Description: WOW Leadership! 驚艷領導力!

Renown leadership expert John C. Maxwell defines leadership as “influence”.  How are you “wowing” the world with your leadership “influence”?  What is the positive impact of your leadership “influence” on others?  How can you show the way, the competent way to lead? How can you develop the leader in yourself and in others?  During this session we will explore the leader in each of us and how to develop the leader in all of us.




Keynote Speaker: Josephine Lee

2016 WCPS 3rd Place Winner


Keynote Speech Title 專題演講: 

Confessions of a Millennial Boss 千禧世代老闆的告白


Date: April 27, 2019

Time: 13:30

Location: 41F


國語口譯: Michelle Fan 范明瑛 & Howard Chien 簡德浩


Keynote Speaker Background:

Josephine Lee is a familiar name for many Toastmasters. At the 2016 World Championship of Public Speaking, she walked away with the prestigious trophy for 3rd place. With this victory, she entered into the halls of Toastmasters history as the first Korean American woman to join the ranks of the top 3 speakers in the world.

Today, Josephine is an entrepreneur running her own traveling pointe shoe fitting company called The Pointe Shop. She founded the business 2014 after recognizing a need for more accessible and knowledgeable pointe shoe fittings for ballet dancers. This involves a lot of traveling since The Pointe Shop offers group fittings at ballet studios along with individual fittings at its flagship store in Santa Ana, California.


Josephine Lee這個名字對於許多國際演講協會的會友們並不陌生。在2016年世界演講比賽她榮獲季軍。成為國際演講協會殿堂中第一位打入世界前三名的韓裔美籍女性。今天,Josephine是一位創業家並擁有她自己的移動式芭蕾舞鞋試穿公司-The Pointe Shop。她在2014創立了自己的公司,因為她發現芭蕾舞者需要更容易並且了解該如何正確的試穿舞鞋。她必須因此東奔西跑因為The Pointe Shop提供到芭蕾學校團體試穿以及在位於加州Santa Ana旗艦店的個人試穿。


Keynote Speech Description:

The internet has completely changed our culture. We have more resources right at our fingertips than any other time in our history. Social media allows us to stay connected to the rest of the world and helps us discover new perspectives every day. For those of us who have grown up in the digital age, we live, breathe and eat through the internet every single day. But what are the downsides to this phenomenon? How has the internet changed the way we live? The way do business? The way we think? As an entrepreneur and a millennial, Josephine Lee will be sharing her story about how the internet is changing all of us.



但是這樣的現象有什麼負面的情況呢?網路如何改變了我們的生活,經營事業的模式以及思考方式?身為一位千禧世代的企業家,Josephine Lee會和您分享她的故事以及網路如何正在改變我們大家。




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