Believe to Achieve

Yiju CHEN 陳怡如, DTM
Past President, Taiwan Hakka TM Club台灣客語 前會長
In 1991, I returned back to Taiwan after my study in Japan and became a music teacher at Taichung Japanese school. One day, while accompanying my sister to Wheeler TC, I met Dennis Chen who greeted us with passion. Since then, this international NPO played an important role in my life. I started my journey in exploring and learning the communication and leadership skills with my sister and other fellow members.
In 1998, Dennis even took my father and me to a Japanese Toastmasters club. My father, despite his cancer and physical pain at that time, has had a great time in participating all kinds of Toastmasters activities enthusiastically.
Here, I would like to share the pride and happiness of achieving my DTM to Dennis and my father who both were passed away but were my idols forever. I will keep walking in my Toastmasters path with the courage, generosity and wisdom that I learned from them and other members. Furthermore, I will take every chance to promote TM and help more people to benefit from this great organization.
1991年我留學日本歸國,在台中日僑學校當音樂老師。那一年的某一天陪同姊姊去飛輪國際英文演講會。創會人陳祚苑先生非常親切地與我們打招呼,使人覺得賓至如歸,很有歸屬感;從此這個世界最大的非營利組織在我的生命中佔了非常重要份量!啓発我學習領導與溝通的探索之旅,將所學運用在家人親友與會員相處上。1998年陳祚苑先生成立中央日本語演講會,邀請家父當創會會長,我才開始也參加曰文會。這段期間家父和陳祚苑先生先後罹患癌症,變成抗癌鬥士,同時依然熱心致力推動會務。家父說有服務的熱忱比俱備語文能力更重要,鼓勵我接受各種幹部職務,所以每一種領導工作我都做過二至三回。我在2020年9月拿到DTM; 非常感謝世界總會肯定我們的努力。我要把拿到DTM的成果歸功給家父和陳祚苑先生。他們篳路藍縷創業維艱,立下典範。努力提拔後進,致力國民外交。並且是比賽的常勝軍和救火隊;認真幽默,充滿服務熱忱,大會的出席率百分百。是我的學習榜樣。在邁入第30年的現在,我將稟持著勇氣、開闊的胸襟和智慧來繼續傳承使命,務使更多受惠於這個了不起的組織-Toastmasters International