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District Director


Lisa Fang 方麗慈, VC4


親愛的第67地區會員 您好,



Toastmasters 提供了溝通與領導的舞台,您把握住了嗎?








Dear District 67 members,


Sincerely invite you with your friends and family to attend District 67's first online conference on April 17.


In Toastmasters, every opportunity to be an officer will sharpen our leadership and communication skills. From the process, you will know more about who you are.


We are all outstanding members. We all experience the value of Toastmasters. Become an officer and influence more people and help more people. Let's build more new clubs and help clubs to achieve excellence.


Believe to Achieve. You will benefit from it.

Program Quality Director


Doris Kuo 郭麗琴, DTM


Cheers to 2021 Annual Conference!


It’s always a great joy to get reunion, either with friends, families or toastmasters members. Numerous times in conferences, I met quite a few friends old and new. Old ones are gold; new ones are silver like the old saying goes! All are treasures!


This year is especially meaningful to me, because I’m taking the duty as PQD in our district. Thus, I’ve got the opportunity to work with leaders in every level. I witnessed how international officers work to empower us to become better speakers and communicators; I deeply experienced how District works hard to build new clubs and support struggling clubs; and I also realized how hard club presidents lead their officers team to provide members positive and supportive learning experiences, benefit members to learn in clubs.


Some exclusive scenery only can be seen from the top. And I guess that’s why most mountain climbing experts insist on climbing to the top.


Dear members and friends, let’s enjoy all the Toastmasters scenery. Join me on the top to see the unique scenery ever! Believe to achieve!










Immediate Past District Director 


Matthew Mak 麥譽耀, DTM


Dear D67 Members,

It is that time of the year again where we all come together to network, learn, and grow! It was really unfortunate that we couldn’t have a conference last term because of the pandemic. Don’t miss the first-ever Online 2021 Annual Conference of District 67 on Saturday, April 17! This year the conference team has worked hard to invite some of the greatest trainers. We can enjoy the keynotes and training with a click of a mouse and right from the comfort of our own home! Come and be inspired!

Let us all believe in our potential and achieve excellence! See you online! Believe to Achieve!



District Director


Lisa Fang 方麗慈, VC4


親愛的第67地區會員 您好,



Toastmasters 提供了溝通與領導的舞台,您把握住了嗎?








Dear District 67 members,


Sincerely invite you with your friends and family to attend District 67's first online conference on April 17.


In Toastmasters, every opportunity to be an officer will sharpen our leadership and communication skills. From the process, you will know more about who you are.


We are all outstanding members. We all experience the value of Toastmasters. Become an officer and influence more people and help more people. Let's build more new clubs and help clubs to achieve excellence.


Believe to Achieve. You will benefit from it.

Program Quality Director


Doris Kuo 郭麗琴, DTM


Cheers to 2021 Annual Conference!


It’s always a great joy to get reunion, either with friends, families or toastmasters members. Numerous times in conferences, I met quite a few friends old and new. Old ones are gold; new ones are silver like the old saying goes! All are treasures!


This year is especially meaningful to me, because I’m taking the duty as PQD in our district. Thus, I’ve got the opportunity to work with leaders in every level. I witnessed how international officers work to empower us to become better speakers and communicators; I deeply experienced how District works hard to build new clubs and support struggling clubs; and I also realized how hard club presidents lead their officers team to provide members positive and supportive learning experiences, benefit members to learn in clubs.


Some exclusive scenery only can be seen from the top. And I guess that’s why most mountain climbing experts insist on climbing to the top.


Dear members and friends, let’s enjoy all the Toastmasters scenery. Join me on the top to see the unique scenery ever! Believe to achieve!










Immediate Past District Director 


Matthew Mak 麥譽耀, DTM


District Director


Lisa Fang 方麗慈, VC4


親愛的第67地區會員 您好,



Toastmasters 提供了溝通與領導的舞台,您把握住了嗎?








Dear District 67 members,


Sincerely invite you with your friends and family to attend District 67's first online conference on April 17.


In Toastmasters, every opportunity to be an officer will sharpen our leadership and communication skills. From the process, you will know more about who you are.


We are all outstanding members. We all experience the value of Toastmasters. Become an officer and influence more people and help more people. Let's build more new clubs and help clubs to achieve excellence.


Believe to Achieve. You will benefit from it.

Program Quality Director


Doris Kuo 郭麗琴, DTM


Cheers to 2021 Annual Conference!


It’s always a great joy to get reunion, either with friends, families or toastmasters members. Numerous times in conferences, I met quite a few friends old and new. Old ones are gold; new ones are silver like the old saying goes! All are treasures!


This year is especially meaningful to me, because I’m taking the duty as PQD in our district. Thus, I’ve got the opportunity to work with leaders in every level. I witnessed how international officers work to empower us to become better speakers and communicators; I deeply experienced how District works hard to build new clubs and support struggling clubs; and I also realized how hard club presidents lead their officers team to provide members positive and supportive learning experiences, benefit members to learn in clubs.


Some exclusive scenery only can be seen from the top. And I guess that’s why most mountain climbing experts insist on climbing to the top.


Dear members and friends, let’s enjoy all the Toastmasters scenery. Join me on the top to see the unique scenery ever! Believe to achieve!










Club Growth Director


Gloria Chen 陳凰櫻, DTM


Toastmasters annual conference, it’s my greatest conference I ever been. I still remember, when I first participated the annual meeting, I was shocked by the banner parade. And, the education program was also attracting me, I was afraid to miss any of the programs, losing the best learning moment from professional
speakers. Furthermore, I start to trace my fans after annual conference. When I first time to hold the banner join the banner parade, start from club banner, area banner, division banner, and, walking behind the District banner. I still feel shock and proud. I feel shock about the members behind the banners who are stand
for every leaders’ effort and results.

Proud is I am one of the members who are still keep learning in different filed of this greatest non-profit educational organization in the world, to absorb nutrients and enrich life. Start from my first speech, first time as a club officers, first time attend contest, first time as a judge, first time as a contest master, first time to attend annual conference, first time as part of dancing performance in opening ceremony, first time as one of annual conference chairs, first time as District officer, every experience, I accept encouragement and guidance from my fellow Toastmasters. Life will always face countless choices. Some of the choices, will definitely change your fate.


My best choice is to invest myself to join Toastmasters and attend every annual conferences. To become better you, you can’t miss 2021 Toastmasters annual conference, Believers will be made!

Toastmasters 的年度大會, 一直是我最期盼的社團大會. 記得第一次參加, 我就被 全省的分會,區,部及地區領導人的舉旗進場儀式給震撼到了. 更被包羅萬象的教 育訓練議程表吸引著, 生怕錯過了向專業講師的學習大好機會, 更見識到很多大 師級講師們不藏私的精采演講, 從此我人生中的偶像名單,頓時暴增,更展開追逐偶像的紛絲生涯.
當我拿著會旗進場,區旗進場,部旗進場到站在地區旗行列中進場,每次都有著一 次比一次更大的震撼與驕傲. 震撼的是龐大的陣容背後都代表著每位領導人在不同領域的努力付出與成果,驕傲的是我是這個領袖的搖籃,世界最大的非營利教育組織的其中一分子, 持續在不同的領域中學習著, 吸取養分,豐富人生.從我的第一篇演講, 第一次擔任分會幹部,第一次參加比賽, 第一次擔任比賽裁判, 第一次擔任比賽主持人,第一次參加大會, 第一次參加大會開場舞演出, 到第一次
參與大會籌畫,第一次擔任總會幹部, 每一次的經歷我都感受到會友們的鼓勵與指導. 人生中總是會面臨無數的選擇, 其中的選擇,更會改變您的命運. 我最正確的選擇是投資自己加入自我學習的 Toastmasters ,並且參加Toastmasters每年的年度大會, 你呢 ? 信者必成 !

Immediate Past District Director 


Matthew Mak 麥譽耀, DTM


Dear D67 Members,

It is that time of the year again where we all come together to network, learn, and grow! It was really unfortunate that we couldn’t have a conference last term because of the pandemic. Don’t miss the first-ever Online 2021 Annual Conference of District 67 on Saturday, April 17! This year the conference team has worked hard to invite some of the greatest trainers. We can enjoy the keynotes and training with a click of a mouse and right from the comfort of our own home! Come and be inspired!

Let us all believe in our potential and achieve excellence! See you online! Believe to Achieve!



@2021 District 67 ONLINE Annual Conference

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