Believe to Achieve

“The More We Do, the More We Can Do”
Tracy Ya-chu Lee, DTM
D67 Area C3 Director 2019-2020
As soon as I joined CECI Toastmasters Club on April 1st, 2016, I started to deliver speeches and attend various events actively. Two months later, when the new officer term began, I was elected as Vice President of Education (VPE) of the club. This opportunity opened the door for my miraculous journey in Toastmasters.
The main task of a VPE to arrange club meeting agendas twice a month helped me get familiar with my club members in a very short time. And as required by this office, I visited other clubs frequently, and made friends with more Toastmasters from various industries and dynamic backgrounds which broadened my horizon. The mentor system also helped me to grow. Under my experienced mentor’s guidance, my English writing and communication skills were continuously sharpened through preparing speeches at least once a month.
The real challenge came one year later when I was elected as the club president. This responsibility was compounded with the fact that I was offered the PhD program at the same time. Juggling between club business and school work, however, I managed to bring the club the honor of “Select Distinguished Club” at the end of my term. In 2018, I became VPE again and helped the club achieve the title of “President's Distinguished Club”. CECI Toastmasters Club has risen from a rather weak club which needed the help of coaches from other clubs and grew up to a healthy one.
A serious challenge emerged unexpectedly when I became the Area C3 Director of District 67 in 2019. The COVID-19 pandemic swept worldwide and prevented all clubs from regular gatherings. To solve this problem, we started to implement the online meeting software, Zoom. This application drew our attention to the importance of on-line image management in addition to on-site presentation that we have been so used to. To sum up, challenges and success always come hand in hand. The more we do will prove that the more we can do. This journey in seek of excellence and success will be like a story to be continued.
真正的考驗在一年後到來,我獲選為分會會長,同時亦取得大學的博士入學資格。在會務和功課兩頭燒的情況下,我仍然在期末為分會爭取到 「優選傑出分會」的榮譽。2018年,我再度接任教育副會長,分會榮獲「總會長傑出分會」殊榮。中華工程顧問司演講會從需要其他分會教練救援的弱會成長為健全分會。
2019年我擔任67區 C3執行長,期間出現了意料之外的嚴峻考驗。新冠肺炎疫情橫掃全球,各分會無法如常開會。為解決此問題,我們使用線上會議軟體Zoom,讓我們在習以為常的現場發表外,意識到線上形象管理的重要性。簡言之,挑戰與成功往往會伴隨而來,做得越多,證明我們能做的也越多。這場追求卓越與成功的旅程,將如未完的故事持續下去。