Believe to Achieve
Keynote Speaker 專題演講
Davis Nguyen

Keynote Speech Title 專題演講
Grandma’s Secrets
Date: April 17, 2021
Time: 3:00-3:50 p.m.
國語口譯: Amy Tang 唐瑄
Keynote Speaker Bio:
Davis Nguyen (pronounced “Win”) was raised by a single mother who dropped out of school and raised Davis in one of the poorest communities in America.
Despite being born to a family of laborers who never went to college, Davis would receive scholarships from Yale and Harvard at 18, become a TEDx speaker at 24, and become a CEO at 26.
Davis will share “the secret” to his success and how you can use this “secret” to achieve your goals in life; improving your health, your bank account, or your happiness.
Keynote Speech Description:
Grandma's Secret
What if every time you had a goal you wanted to achieve, you had a secret phrase you could tell yourself to get you closer to that goal?
Like having a magical genie, this secret phrase would help you get closer to your goal every time you said it. You can use this phrase to make more money, improve your health, improve your relationships, or bring you more happiness.
Our keynote speaker learned this secret phrase from his grandma when he was growing up.
Would you like to know the secret phrase? Come find out at the keynote address.
我們非常榮幸能夠邀請到 Davis Nguyen(發音「win」)擔任本次大會的專題講者。Davis來自單親家庭,母親小學三年級時輟學,到美國一個貧窮的社區獨立將孩子們扶養長大。
本次專題講者Davis Nguyen是在成長過程中從他的外婆身上學到了這句密語。