Believe to Achieve
International Director Region 14
Dorothy Isa Du, DTM

Your theme: Believe to Achieve, speaks of your agility and resilience. Your strength lies in your belief. Your attitude of perseverance pushes you forward, moving you closer to your success. I truly admire your determination.
您的主題:相信成就,談及您的敏捷性和韌性。 您的力量在於您的信念。 堅韌不拔的態度會推動您前進,使您更接近成功。 我真的很佩服您的決心。
Participating in district conferences is a wonderful opportunity for every member to come together with other toastmasters in the district, may it be online or in person. This year we are facing challenges never before experienced. This year we have also seen unparalleled determination, resilience and triumph over those challenges. Now, more than ever, we have more reason to connect, inspire and celebrate. We have navigated thru hard times and we grew better and stronger because of it. In this unpredictable time, we do not let circumstance dictate our future. Let us rise above it and create the future we want to see in ourselves.
參加地區會議,無論是在線上還是實體會議,對於每個成員來說都是一個絕佳的機會,可以與該地區的其他會友一起聚會。 今年,我們面臨著前所未有的挑戰。就在今年,我們也看到了為克服這些挑戰所衍伸出來無與倫比的決心,韌性和勝利。 現在,我們比以往任何時候都更有理由來聯繫,啟發和慶祝。 我們度過了艱難的時期,因此,我們變得越來越好,越來越強。 在這個不可預測的時刻,我們不要讓環境情況決定我們的未來。 讓我們超越它,創造我們自己希望看到的未來。
Enjoy the company of one another as you learn from the session speakers and grow from the experience of attending this conference.
I wish you all a meaningful and memorable conference.