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“Toastmasters International: a Field of Lifelong Learning”


D67 Area E1 Director 2020-2021


On 2013, when I decided to engage in meetings of Toastmasters International, I can’t image I can go far today with tremendous supports from memberships.

Yes, mutual support is our secret to thrive District 67. In Toastmasters, I not only enhance my Public Speaking ability in English. I also broaden my horizon. I took roles of club treasure, president, Area Director and know people worldwide. With the supportive network, I freely develop communication and leadership abilities.

What an exhilarating journey these 7 years have been! I explore topics specifically fit audiences’ interest. I participated events together we thrilled. I break through my ceiling and stand on the stage of national contest. I am assisted and blessed therefore I am eligible to apply for DTM award. 

In the momentum, I would like to show my appreciation to friends in Division E, supports from my family members and members I met abroad. I am motivated by you for the excellency of the core value of Toastmasters, respect, integrity and dedication.

District 67 is where I grow and will contribute further, as Toastmasters learning is lifelong. I have not yet reached the limit; the sky is the limit! And I am certain I will not go alone; we will achieve together!



這7年是多麼令人振奮的旅程! 我探索了許多聽眾好奇的內容。我參加許多令人感動的活動。我自我突破,站上全國大賽的舞台。在會友的協助與祝福下,我拿到了DTM榮銜。

在這榮耀時刻,我要感謝Division E的會友、家人以及海外的會友。在追求演講協會的核心價值,”尊重、廉潔、奉獻”,的過程中,我得到您的啟發。


@2021 District 67 ONLINE Annual Conference

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